Friday, August 06, 2010

Mask Decorating Competition organized by PR Officer of Statia Tourist Office a Success!

The new Public Relations Officer of the St.Eustatius Tourist Office, Makeba Mitchell organized a Mask Decorating Competition on July 30. Children between the ages of 4-11 years of age could register, collect a blank face mask and take it home with them to decorate any which way they liked. This was a great way for the children to use their imaginations and create something really nice to show off. As you can see on the photos all kinds of raw food stuff were used like rice, macaroni, spaghetti, popcorn, peas, corn but some used feathers, beads, shells, paper, small toys etc.

The competition was held on July 30 2010 on the terrace at Super Burgers. Over 70 children registered so it was quite busy but Zahira Patrick did a great job keeping the children under control. Everyone received something to eat and drink and each child got to take home a gift bag containing juices, chips, sweets and raisins.
The judges consisted of Wendy Collins, Dennis Amajan and Janine Rosema and are all well known artists on the island. They had a tough time judging the masks but all agreed that there were some really nice creations and that we should hold another competition again soon.On the photos you will see an array of the winning masks.

A special thank you goes out to the members of the community who made contributions/donations towards the prizes for the winners. The prizes varied from fully packed school bags to gift certificates from different businesses, “I love Statia” School agenda’s and Youth Savings accounts from the WIB Ltd.


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