Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Komen doe ik in elk geval, nog nooit immers heeft een eiland (vakantie) op mij zoveel indruk gemaakt.

Gelukkig kan ik nog na genieten door af en toe op de site te kijken.
Wens jullie veel geluk en tot ziens

Ann (Nederland)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Road improvement activities

Activities to improve several roads in Statia's capitol have already started (see photograph). Look forward to more information in the upcoming Tour Statia Update.

Flag and Coat of Arms St. Eustatius

St. Eustatius adopted its flag on 16 November 2004 (Statia Day)

Flag Description : The flag is rectangular with the colors blue, red, white, gold and green. Proportions of width : length = 2:3. The flag is divided in four five-sided blue squares, each fimbriated red. In flag center is a diamond-form white field. In the diamond is the silhouette of the island in green. In the center in the top of the diamond is a five-pointed golden star.

The coat of arms was also adopted on Statia Day, 16 November, 2004. The design of the coat-of-arms is by Walter Hellebrand and has a motto in Latin: "SUPERBA ET CONFIDENS" meaning Proud and Confident